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Tips for Sticking to Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

Personal Training to Stick to Your Resolutions

After weeks of festive overindulgence, many of us make resolutions to get fitter and healthier when the New Year arrives. Every January, new members flood into the gym full of motivation, yet most of those people will stop going within less than 24 weeks.

So how can you stay motivated and achieve your fitness goals?

As an experienced personal trainer, I have met many people who have lost motivation after attempting a fitness programme alone. With January in full swing now, I’d like to share with you some of my top tips for sticking to your new year’s fitness resolutions and keeping yourself motivated.

Set Realistic Goals

It’s easy to lose motivation if your goals are unrealistic. Many people expect to see results very quickly and become disheartened when their workout isn’t having the desired effect. It takes time and commitment for any fitness programme to have a noticeable effect, and the best way to stay motivated is to set realistic goals.

Try and set yourself small challenges based on what you can do. If on your first workout you run half a mile, set yourself a goal to run a full mile within a fortnight. Setting yourself time-oriented smaller goals which lead to your target will help you stay motivated and on track to see your desired results.

Change Up Your Routine

Many people find they get stuck in a rut with their work out. They visit the gym and do the same activities every session, and eventually get bored of their workout and lose motivation. Including different activities into your workout programme helps to stimulate your mind and keep your workout interesting.

If you usually work out in the gym twice a week, why not try swapping out one of your sessions for an outdoor run or a group exercise class? Including a bit of variety in your fitness programme keeps you motivated and prevents you from getting bored.

Track Your Progress

Your fitness level will improve with every workout you do, but if you don’t note these smaller achievements, it is easy to lose sight of how far you have come. Keeping track of your progress can help you notice the gradual improvements and stay motivated.

There are many different ways you can track your progress through your fitness programme. There are many fitness tracking apps available to record your activity and track your progress, or you could keep a written journal of the activities you did, how long you did it for and whether you found it easy or challenging. Tracking your activity will help you stay motivated by noticing and celebrating all of your achievements.

Gradually Build up Your Strength

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself in the early stages of your workout programme. Some people push themselves too far at the beginning when their motivation is high, resulting in exhaustion and the risk of injury. Your motivation with undoubtedly drop when you are low on energy, so take your fitness programme at your own pace. To keep your motivation up, gradually increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts as you grow stronger and fitter.

Although these tips can help keep your motivation up in the gym, the best way to achieve your fitness goals is to work with a personal trainer. A personal trainer will design an individual training programme for you to achieve the best results possible, while keeping you motivated and enjoying your workout. Call David today on 07966 491 482 to arrange your free personal training consultation.



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5 star reviews personal trainer in Didsbury
Rohini Bajaj

"Training with David has been a life changer-And I didn't make the job easy for him as I had never set foot in a gym before I started with him 3 years ago. Since then he has helped me achieve some major life goals including a marathon, a spartan type challenge and most importantly, doing my first ever unassisted pull up. David is patient and clearly puts a lot of effort into personalising the plans for his clients. I would recommend him for anyone from those that are new and apprehensive about training to regular gym goers who want to push themselves further and achieve their personal best."


Personal Training Didsbury works with clients across two locations in Didsbury:

Personal Training Didsbury

808 Kingsway

East Didsbury


M20 5WY

The Northern

119 Palatine Road

West Didsbury


M20 3YA

07966 491 482


Personal Training Didsbury

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