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When Exercise Motivation Wanes, How Can We Get Back On Track?
If you struggle to stay motivated on your fitness journey, you are not alone. We all know someone (and it could be ourselves) who has...

6 Signs that you should Find a Personal Trainer
Each person who does their share of exercise has their own goal. For some, exercise is the route to weight loss, others wish to gain...

Should we Stretch Before or After Exercise?
It’s one of those hotly debated questions isn’t it; what came first, the chicken or the egg? Is the dress blue and black or gold and...

What Makes the Best Pre-Workout Breakfast?
It’s true that for some, eating pre-morning-workout just doesn’t sit right. For the rest of us, fuelling our morning workout means fixing...

5 Reasons Why Couples who Train Together, Stay Together
With the coming together of our newly favourite royal couple, and the wedding season well on the way, felt in fingers and toes, all...

6 Tips to Beat Binging and Combat Cravings
We have all fallen victim to it; the mouth-watering at the sight of sugary or instantly satisfying fatty foods, the agitation as we try...

Morning Versus Evening – When is The Best Time to Work Out?
When it comes to our workout, is it the early bird who catches the worm? Or is the night owl prowling for peak fitness? There has long...

6 Sources of Protein from Non-Meat Products to Fuel Your Fitness
Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, or just wanting to cut down on the amount of saturated fats from eating meat, non-meat substitutes for...

The Time to Start Working for that Summer Body is Now
We can forgive ourselves for the inevitable over-indulgence that coincides with Christmas and New Year celebrations. The sluggishness...

Tips for Sticking to Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions
After weeks of festive overindulgence, many of us make resolutions to get fitter and healthier when the New Year arrives. Every January,...
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