5 Reasons Why Couples who Train Together, Stay Together

With the coming together of our newly favourite royal couple, and the wedding season well on the way, felt in fingers and toes, all around us, love really is in the air. It got me thinking about the love in my line of work. During my time as a personal trainer in Didsbury, I have seen an increasing number of couples coming to do joint gym sessions. I began to do research into the benefits of couples’ exercise training and why the trend was growing. I discovered a lot of benefits, once you get past the “I don’t want you to see my sweaty red face” stage. Now one of my most popular personal training packages is for couple preparing to tie the knot!
Deserving of more recognition, I want to share how tag team training with your other half can be the crème de la crème of #RelationshipGoals and the key to a long life of happiness together –not only from what I’ve read, but from what I’ve seen in action too.
Guaranteed Time Together
We are not living in a time of “take it easy”. For many of us, trying to find the work life balance is pretty brutal. Constantly going between business meetings, supermarkets, taxiing around the rabble, ticking off our own to-do list and taking on favours for friends that frankly you should have said no to, when we finally make it home we are too exhausted to give the effort we would like to our other half who is equally exhausted – so you have dinner, unenthusiastically, watch a bit of TV with a bag of crisps or sweets, and go to bed. By making time to workout together, you guarantee some quality time in which you can compete, support, sweat, and bring out all of those endorphins as a duo whilst doing something really positive and worthwhile.
Shared Goals Bring You Together
Sticking to goals is always easier if you share them with someone else. It’s one of the reasons having a personal trainer is such an effective and positive to get fit and stay fit. The same is true when gym training with your significant other. Your existing physical and emotional closeness is only made stronger by sharing the same fitness goals.
Healthy Competition, Healthy Body, Healthy Relationship
There’s nothing better than a bit of healthy competition to keep things interesting in a relationship. When it comes to exercise, that competition with your other half and willingness-to-win attitude can be the ultimate driving force to reaching your peak fitness goals.
Team Work Makes the Dream Work
That age-old expression is full of truths. In sports, a strong team bond makes for a win. Even in individual sports there is always a huge team of people working with the athlete to inspire their success. It isn’t any different in a couples’ training session. Working hard for the person we love in addition to ourselves is the best motivational device. Giving up isn’t an option because we aren’t the only person we would be letting down. With double the support and double the drive, working out together just makes sense.
Growing Stronger, Together
Physically, with every gym session your muscles are being pushed that bit harder for that bit longer. In spite of the inevitable post-gym aches and pains to which you can give an empathetic laugh when slowly lowering yourself onto the sofa, or going down the stairs, you will be getting stronger together. From the support you offer each other and the will power you will be showing, mentally you’ll be getting stronger too, making that bond between the two of you even tighter.
Are you Getting Married This Year?
Working as a personal trainer at my Didsbury base, some of my most admirable clients are couples who are looking to get into shape ready to begin their new, married life with their best foot forward. For all of the reasons mentioned above, it truly is a great way to get fit, for you and for each other. If you are looking for personal training packages for brides and grooms in Didsbury or want more information about my personal training for couples packages in general, get in touch!